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Review AutoStopping Rules Requirements

This topic covers the requirements for creating AutoStopping Rules on all supported cloud platforms. Before you begin creating AutoStopping Rules, make sure you've reviewed the following:

  • Prerequisites
  • Questionnaire about your cloud setup and resources

AWS: EC2 VMs and Auto Scaling Groups

Review the following prerequisites and set up related questions.


The following prerequisites are needed:


  • How are the VMs accessed?
    1. DNS link
    2. SSH
    3. RDP
  • What is the protocol used for accessing these VMs?
    2. TCP (SSH, RDP, etc.)
  • Do you use a load balancer like ALB for non-prod workloads?
  • Do you use Route53 to manage DNS?
  • What is the life cycle of these VMS?
    1. Short-lived and dynamically created (ephemeral instances, created via deployment scripts, etc..)
    2. Long-lived static environments |
  • Do you use AWS Gov Cloud?
  • Are these VMs shut down during non-working hours?
  • Do you use Reserved instances for non-prod workloads?
  • Do you use Spot instances?
  • What is the platform type that you use?
    1. Windows
    2. Linux
  • How many developers access the instances?
  • What is the number of instances?

Amazon ECS

Review the following prerequisites.


The following prerequisites are needed:

  • See Set up cost visibility for AWS for the following topics:
    • Access to CUR. See Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) and CCM Requirements.
    • Permissions to create a cross-account role. See AWS Access Permissions.
    • Permissions for AWS ECS and Resource Inventory Management. See AWS ECS and Resource Inventory Management.
    • Permissions for AWS Resource Optimization Using AutoStopping Rules. See AWS Resource Optimization Using AutoStopping Rules.
  • HTTP/HTTPS-based applications running on ECS
  • ECS running on EC2 nodes or Fargate


Review the following prerequisites and set up related questions.


The following prerequisites are needed:

  • Ensure that you have Azure on-demand VMs created
  • Make sure that you have the Application Administrator role assigned for your Azure AD. Users in this role can create and manage all aspects of enterprise applications, application registrations, and application proxy settings. See Application Administrator
  • Many Azure CLI commands act within a subscription. Ensure that you have selected the right subscription before executing the commands. If you need to switch the subscription, use the following command:
    az account set -s <subs id/name>
    For more information, see Manage Subscriptions
  • Permissions to create an application gateway:
    • A dedicated subnet with no other resources
    • A public IP belonging to the same VPN as the application gateway
      • SKU: Basic for V1 Application gateway and Standard for V2 application gateway
      • Type: Static or Dynamic
  • Permissions to create Azure function and a dedicated storage account
  • SSL certificate in *.pfx format to support HTTPS traffic if required. You can use a wild card certificate or specific to the domain certificate


  • How are the VMs accessed?
    1. DNS link
    2. SSH
    3. RDP
  • What is the protocol used for accessing these VMs?
    2. TCP (SSH, RDP, etc.)
  • Do you use an ApplicationGateway or WAF for non-prod workloads?
  • Are the VMs publicly accessible?
  • What DNS provider do you currently use?
  • What is the life cycle of these VMS?
    1. Short-lived and dynamically created (ephemeral instances, created via deployment scripts, etc..)
    2. Long-lived static environments
  • Are these VMs shut down during non-working hours?
  • Do you use Reserved Instances for non-prod workloads?
  • Do you use Spot instances?
  • What is the platform type that you use?
    1. Windows
    2. Linux
  • How many developers access the instances?
  • What is the number of instances?

Kubernetes Clusters

Review the following prerequisites and set up related questions.


The following prerequisites are needed:


  • What is the Kubernetes version?
  • Do you use Fargate on Kubernetes?
  • Do you have Cluster Autoscaler?
  • Do you use Helm to install your apps?
  • Do you use an ingress controller? If yes, which one?
  • Do you use end-to-end TLS for your Kubernetes workloads or does the TLS get terminated at the ingress controller?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Review the following set up related questions.


  • How are the VMs accessed?
    1. DNS link
    2. SSH
    3. RDP
  • What is the protocol used for accessing these VMs?
    2. TCP (SSH, RDP, etc.)
  • Are the VMs publicly accessible?
  • What DNS provider do you currently use?
  • What is the life cycle of these VMS?
    1. Short-lived and dynamically created (ephemeral instances, created via deployment scripts, etc..)
    2. Long-lived static environments
  • Are these VMs shut down during non-working hours?
  • Do you use Reserved Instances for non-prod workloads?
  • Do you use Spot instances?
  • What is the platform type that you use?
    1. Windows
    2. Linux
  • How many developers access the instances?
  • What is the number of instances?

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