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Increase timeouts on Agent Plugin and Agent to avoid network latency issues


Depending on the location of the Agents relative to Clouddriver, there might be a need to increase the timeout defined to ensure that both Agent and Clouddriver can complete their push operations. The necessity of the change may arise if the network latency between the Agent and the Clouddriver instances are high.


Armory Enterprise Spinnaker with Armory Agent for Kubernetes enabled


Increase timeouts on Agent Plugin

To increase the timeouts on Agent Plugin, add the below configuration to the Agent Plugin configuration in the following situations Specify how long to wait for a response after a keepalive before closing the gRPC connection with the Armory Agent 

        kubesvc: 180

Specify how often should keepalive send gRPC pings to the client via the Agent plugin.

    kubesvc 60​

Increase timeouts on Armory Agent

To increase the timeouts on Agents, add the below configuration to the Agent configuration in the following situations Specify how often the gPRC keepalive message is sent from Agent to Clouddriver. The default value is 60 sec. Note that setting the value to 0 will set it so that keepalive messages will not be sent to Armory Enterprise Clouddriver

grpc: spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091
insecure: true
keepAliveHeartbeatSeconds: 180
Timeout before closing the gRPC connection. The Agent would wait for the time specified before closing the gRPC connection with Armory Enterprise.
grpc: spin-clouddriver-grpc:9091
insecure: true
keepAliveTimeOutSeconds:​ 180​

If customers wish to set the Agent to wait for a certain period before reconnecting to Armory Enterprise, they can set the reconnectTimeoutMs.  Customers should seek to balance this setting as setting the number too low may lead to aggressive recaching of the data, leading to performance issues

reconnectTimeoutMs: 60
- kubeconfigFile: encryptedFile:secrets-manager!r:us-east-2!s:kubeconfig-secret
name: Account-1
metrics: false
kinds: []
omitKinds: []
- role-1
- role-1​

The complete list of configurations for Agent and Agent Plugin can be found in the below links Agent Plugin:

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